WikiLeaks is not the one-off creation of a solitary genius; it is the product of decades of collaborative work by people engaged in applying computer hacking to political causes, in particular, to

WikiLeaks “obtained and published emails from a data breach committed against an American intelligence consulting company by an ‘Anonymous’ and LulzSec-affiliated hacker,” the DOJ said in a statement. Jun 24, 2020 · WikiLeaks obtained and published emails from a data breach committed against an American intelligence consulting company by an “Anonymous” and LulzSec-affiliated hacker. According to that hacker, Assange indirectly asked him to spam that victim company again. Mar 07, 2017 · WikiLeaks has posted a massive trove of documents that it claims reveals secrets of how the CIA conducts hacking operations worldwide. Meet the hacker that spies pay attention to. Mar 07, 2017 · WikiLeaks, which claimed to “It looks like really the backbone of their network exploitation kit,” said a former hacker who worked for the National Security Agency and, like others, spoke

Mar 07, 2017 · WikiLeaks, which claimed to “It looks like really the backbone of their network exploitation kit,” said a former hacker who worked for the National Security Agency and, like others, spoke

Vault 7 is a series of WikiLeaks releases on the CIA and the methods and means they use to hack, monitor, control and even disable systems ranging from smartphones, to TVs, to even dental implants. The Vault7 leaks themselves can be found on WikiLeaks.

Adrián Alfonso Lamo Atwood (February 20, 1981 – March 14, 2018) was an American threat analyst and hacker. Lamo first gained media attention for breaking into several high-profile computer networks, including those of The New York Times, Yahoo!, and Microsoft, culminating in his 2003 arrest.

Jun 24, 2020 · WikiLeaks obtained and published emails from a data breach committed against an American intelligence consulting company by an “Anonymous” and LulzSec-affiliated hacker. According to that hacker, Assange indirectly asked him to spam that victim company again. May 29, 2012 · Assange, a former hacker himself, has always played down any links with hackers and preferred to characterize WikiLeaks as a passive recipient of leaked documents rather than an active pursuer. "Those Wikileaks kids might as well just shoot our boys in the back" kind of feeling. 3) Now, in the Defcon case. They just hope to scare any hackers or anyone thinking of contributing or collaborating with Wikileaks. Jun 24, 2020 · Prosecutors say Assange also published on WikiLeaks emails from a data breach of an American intelligence community consulting company by a hacker affiliated with LulzSec and “Anonymous WASHINGTON (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought to recruit hackers at conferences in Europe and Asia who could provide his anti-secrecy website with classified information, and conspired with members of hacking organizations, according to a new Justice Department indictment announced A newly released indictment alleges Julian Assange of an attempt to recruit hackers from the LulzSec and Anonymous hacker groups to obtain sensitive information from government systems. Dec 11, 2010 · A computer hacker himself, Assange, 39, achieved both instant notoriety and adulation when WikiLeaks published batches of damaging US files relating to the Afghan war in July.