Domain Name System - Wikipedia

Another privacy threat: DNS logging and how to avoid it As if you didn't already have enough privacy problems to worry about, a recent expose by Stacey Higginbotham at GigaOm explains how AT&T is dredging DNS records and selling the results to … Encrypted DNS Resolvers | PrivacyTools DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-TLS, and DNSCrypt resolvers will not make you anonymous. Using Anonymized DNSCrypt hides only your DNS traffic from your Internet Service Provider. However, using any of these protocols will prevent DNS hijacking, and make your DNS requests harder for third parties to eavesdrop on and tamper with. DNS Security and Privacy — Choosing the right provider

DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-TLS, and DNSCrypt resolvers will not make you anonymous. Using Anonymized DNSCrypt hides only your DNS traffic from your Internet Service Provider. However, using any of these protocols will prevent DNS hijacking, and make your DNS requests harder for third parties to eavesdrop on and tamper with.

Apr 19, 2018 Cloudflare ESNI Checker | Cloudflare

DNS/Internet service providers may collect information about the traffic that you request, for internal auditing or to sell. One example from 2015 is that AT&T offered data privacy for a price. By using private DNS servers the request for traffic will go through a trusted channel, still use the ISP infrastructure but not their resolution service.

Introduction to DNS Privacy | Internet Society Since DNS resolution involves querying a public database (the DNS), one might be tempted to assume that there are no privacy implications arising from the use of the DNS. However, while the information being queried is public, the identity of the nodes querying the DNS… DNS Encryption Explained - The Cloudflare Blog Oct 29, 2019 Encrypted DNS Could Help Close the Biggest Privacy Gap on Sep 12, 2019